SpudACEDS is a Jupiter Ace computer emulator for the Nintendo DS.
Simply copy the contents of the .zip file to the root directory of your device or card. The .zip file contains a folder ("SpudACEDS") this is where the magic happens. The rom ("ace.rom") must be in this folder and MUST not be renamed, the same also applies to "SpudACEDS.cfg".SpudACEDS will always looks here first for files to load.
It's very easy!!Just 3 icons on the top left of the keyboard.
From here you can select the size of RAM, select Turbo or standard 50 FPS or map the joypad and A button to keys.LOAD FILE
SpudACEDS only runs .ace files currently.
The keyboard accurately maps a real Jupiter Ace keyboard.
Pressing SELECT will reset SpudACEDS.