Supermodel (Sinden) (Source)

Supermodel (Sinden) (Source)
Supermodel (Sinden) (Source)
File Size:
75.18 MB
12 March 2025
83 x

This is a fork of model3emu-code to add native Sinden light gun support.

This fork uses ManyMouse to provide 2 player gun support in Linux and MacOSX.


ManyMouse Notes:


Linux/MacOSX: Update Supermodel.ini singular MOUSE_ definitions to MOUSEx_ index definitions.

MacOSX launcher, possibly Terminal, will require "Input Monitoring" permissions.



Ensure SDL2 is installed. Most package managers ought to have this available. For example, on Ubuntu, it should be sufficient to run:

sudo apt install libsdl2-dev
sudo apt install libsdl2-net-dev

And then build Supermodel:

make -f Makefiles/Makefile.UNIX

For network support:

make -f Makefiles/Makefile.UNIX NET_BOARD=1


Ensure Apple's Xcode Command Line Tools are installed:

From a terminal:

xcode-select --install

Ensure SDL2 is installed. Download the latest *.dmg files from both of the links below, and install per the READMEs in the .dmgs (i.e. in "/Library/Frameworks")

And then build Supermodel:

make -f Makefiles/Makefile.OSX

For network support:

make -f Makefiles/Makefile.OSX NET_BOARD=1

Note: running on macOS

If you try and run a macOS binary that was downloaded from the internet and/or built on a different machine, you need to grant macOS permission to execute the binary (just 1-time):

  • Open the folder containing the binary in Finder, and right (or ctrl) click on it:

  • Click "Open" when the following dialogue box appears : "macOS cannot verify the developer of “supermodel-git-xxxx”. Are you sure you want to open it?"

  • Close the terminal window that opens (after clicking open)


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