HP-15C Simulator - Mac

HP-15C Simulator - Mac
HP-15C Simulator - Mac
File Size:
4.76 MB
09 March 2025
113 x

HP-15C Simulator is an HP 15C calculator emulator/simulator with many features.


* RPN logic with 4 stack levels plus a last X (LSTx) register.
* 67 addressable registers, used for storage registers or program steps.
* 19 storage registers in default configuration with 46 registers for programs (appx. 332 program steps).
* Programmable with up to 448 program steps. In this configuration only 3 storage registers are available: R0, R1 and RI
* 10 Flags and 12 conditional tests, such as x = 0, x ? 0 and x > y.
* Indexed looping via storage gegister I.
* Full storage arithmetic: STO +, -, × and ÷.
* 5 softkeys, labeled A through E.
* Multiple number format: FIXed, SCIentific and ENGineering.
* Trigonometric functions SIN, COS and TAN.
* Hyperbolic trigonometric functions SINH, COSH TANH.
* Three trigonometric modes: DEGrees, RADians and GRADs.
* Reverse trigonometric functions for standard and hyperbolic functions.
* Mean and standard deviation of 2 variables.
* Summation of n, x, x2, y, y2 and xy for statistic calculations of 2 variables.
* Decimal hours and hrs.min.sec. conversions.
* Polar and rectangular conversions.
* Solve and root finder.
* Numeric integration.
* Linear regression.
* Complex numbers.
* Continuous memory.
* Native support for Windows (XP and following), Mac?OS?X (Intel based) and Linux (x86)
* The source code version should run on all unixoid operating systems supported by Tcl/Tk 8.5.x.
* Pop-up menus for stack, storage registers, program, flags and conditional tests.
* Save and load programs to and from disk.
* Programs can be documented, the documentation is stored with the program file.
* Export a program and its documentation as HTML file.
* Integration with the operating system's clipboard.
* Code and mnenomic display of program steps (via pop-up menu).
* Full mouse and keyboard support.
* Multi language support for pop-up menus and dialogues.

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