emu6502 - Windows
emu6502 - Windows
emu6502 - Windows
20 September 2024
0 x
This is Apple ][ and Apple //e emulator written entirely in Rust, SDL and HTML5.
6502 / 65C02 cycle accurate emulation
Passed Klaus Dormann 6502, 65c02 and decimal tests
Passed Tom Harte Processor Test for 6502 (valid opcodes) and 65c02
Disk II interface for floppy disk drives
File Format supported (dsk, po, nib, woz version 1 and version 2.x including Flux image, hdv, 2mg)
Language Card for Apple ][+
Mockingboard support at Slot 4 and Slot 5
Parallel printer card
Apple IIe Extended 80-Column Text Card
RGB cards: Apple's Extended 80-Column Text/AppleColor Adaptor Card
60 Hz / 50Hz display mode support
Video Scanline mode
Support for Vapor-lock cycle counting demos e.g. megademo, mad2
NTSC emulation supported
Z80 Emulation
Hard Disk support
Tape Support (Only PCM, 8-bit and mono channel)
Uthernet II support for TCP client application (e.g. A2Stream)
Support for RamFactor 1 MiB and RamWorks III up to 8 MiB
Support for Apple //c (Rom FF, 00, 3, 4, 5)
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