VB81 XuR

VB81 XuR
VB81 XuR
File Size:
5.95 MB
28 April 2023
349 x

VB81 is a Sinclair ZX81 emulator.

Supported devices :

- Zx Printer : black & white, dithered.
- Memotech Rampack 64kb (8-16kb ram segment), 16kb, 2kb and 1kb.
- Memotech Memo-Calc Rom. - Memotech HGR Card.
- G007 Graphic Card. - QuickSilva HI-RES graphic card.
- ! WRX graphic feature in progress ! (not available yet)
- QuickSilva UDG graphic card. - AGB UDG graphic card.
- Larken disks controller card.
- Display inverter card.
- 8255 I/O card with Centronics output.
- Joystick II card.


* Disassembler/debugger with Rom comments.
* A real-time binary editor.
* A real time UDG creator window.(Software/QuickSilva & AGB cards)
* A type-in tool to change assembler in REMs lines.
* A binary comparator.
* ASM-2 Fast access and in-board viewer.
* Assembler window to import or export ASM mnemonics.
* A variables viewer.(strings, arrays...)
* An output Wav trigger with 3 kinds of harmonics.
* An input Wav loader (Wav to P files converter)
* CBI Fast access.
* “Copy” rom hack (32x24) for the ZxPrinter
* ASM Breaker (“advanced Break”)
* ASCII & BMP Screen shot. ( 32 & 34 Col.)
* Memory, Basic & D_File tools.
* A multi-columns generator to print a single page listing.

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