So this is a EmuFrance exclusive, the very first beta of MAMu_’s FFE, his Flash MAME Frontend… It works with MAME (any MAME) and so far, only the PC version is released, a mac version will follow. Please be cool, it’s the very 1st beta, and it is far from beeing finished.. Anyway…
FFE is entirely keyboard controlled, but before launching it, you have to manually edit the config.ini and replace each line starting with « set » with your own values, where is mame, folders, options, etc… When that is done, just launch « Setup.bat » which can be quite long to operate, this will create each standalone batch file for each MAME reference, and will also extract the XML output from MAME, analyse it, modify it and mainly optimize it in order to be loaded faster in FFE…
You can copy all your snaps into the snap directory, uncompressed.
Here are the keys to operate FFE:
Up, down, left, right to navigate in the list, in order to go to next or previous page, the cursor must be on the very 1st or last entry on the page.
W will launch the selected game.
Space will change the navigation speed: game per game, page per page, or 5 pages per 5 pages (slow, fast, ultra)
You can sort the list by descriptions, or by zipnames (other options will follow), in order to do such, just type « S »
There is also a « Debug mode » which consist in a window (movable & shrinkable with the mouse) listing all the various variables for the selected game, just press « D » to show/hide this window.
You can laso display which game number is selected, and on which page you are by pressing « N ».
Last, if one of your snap is not displaid correctly in FFE, check if your snap has the correct size which is stipulated in the vwidth and vheight values in the debug window (« D »).
Enjoy, and once again, please be kind, this is only the very 1st beta of it…
Thanks, MAMu_

File Size:
5.99 MB
Beta 1
05 December 2013
125 x
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09 March 2017
728 x
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12 June 2013
647 x
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28 February 2018
1219 x
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23 November 2009
779 x
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File Size:
1.87 MB
20 March 2005
731 x
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15 January 2008
1031 x
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