emuControlCenter - Windows

emuControlCenter is a Console/Computer Rom-Manager & Frontend for various older and newer consoles/handheld/computer games and is build for people who want to play games quick 'n' easy without searching to much. ECC uses rom-related meta and has extended search functions built-in, it supports bookmarks, ratings and a history for roms. You can also add images and preview them directly in the 'Resultview'. There is also a 'ImageCenter' build-in for a full size preview of screens and covers.
* ZIP, 7-ZIP & RAR support
* Download emulators directly from emuDownloadCenter
* Import & Export images directly from EmuMovies / No-Intro With the build-in ‘ImageControlCenter’
* Import ROM information directly from MobyGames like: Developer, Publisher, Year, Perspective, Visual and Description
* Play video files MP4/FLV using MPlayer With the build-in VideoPlayer
* Advanced DATfile format The emuControlCenter datfiles are containing informations about languages, state of the rom, developer and more. This informations could easly transfered via ecc-datfiles, it’s possible to import CM MAME & RomCenter DAT files
* ECC & GTK-Theme support It's possible to costumize how your ECC looks
* Daemon tools LITE support (in use with a script) It's possible to mount and unmout CD-Image files with Daemon tools LITE, using a script for the platform
* Live! updates With eccUpdate you can update ECC directly to the most recent version, these updates include fixes/updates/addition