What's New:
Bugs Fixed
- The MacOS build does not launch properly (x86_64 and AArch64).
- Rotating the display in Android may result in a crash.
- The Android app may not launch correctly on Android 9-11.
- Regression: Launching the Home Menu may not work correctly in Android (NOTE: If it still doesn't work after upgrading to this release, you may need to re-download the System Files or clear out your User Folder and then re-download).
- Regression: There may have been some minor missing textures when using OpenGL.
- Borked3DS now builds with gcc-12 on Bookworm-based Raspberry Pi (or similar aarch64) devices (NOTE: It may still not run properly regardless; this is still being looked at).
- Android: Using oboe api as an input device now works correctly.
New Features
- Migration from glad to glad2 libraries.
- Most existing vector math is now accelerated using SIMD operations and compiler intrinsics. This may result in improved performance. Minimum hardware requirements are NEON support for AArch64 and SSE2+ support for x86_64 (SSE4+ or AVX+ recommended), which is pretty much any modern machine so it probably doesn't disqualify much regardless. This feature has only been minimally tested, so feel free to chime in with your experiences in the Discussions forum. As always, Pull Requests with fixes or improvements are always welcome.
What's Changed
- Adding Swedish translation
- Fix various GCC warnings and errors
- Android (refactor): Improve null safety and fix rotation
- video_core: Optimize vector math with SIMD instructions and compiler intrinsics
- MacOS: Fix external MoltenVK bundling
- externals: Update glad 0.1.36 to glad2 v2.0.8 by
- CMakeLists.txt: Prefer bundled dependencies over system installed versions by default
- Vulkan: v1.4.304.1
- audio_core: Implement oboe_input device
- InputOverlay.kt: Revert null safety checks
- EmulationFragment.kt: Restore game icon loader
- Android: Migrate from using WindowInsetsController to WindowInsetsControllerCompat
- Update to Xbyak v7.23+
- Optimize SIMD vector math instructions
- vector_math.h: Avoid strict aliasing violations and use safer memory operations
Third-Party Updates
- Android: Gradle 8.12.1
- Android: Kotlin 2.1.10
- Android: NDK r28
- aqtinstall 3.20
- QT 6.8.2 (all Desktop builds)
- Vulkan Memory Allocator v3.2.1
- Migrate from glad 0.1.36 to glad2 v2.0.8
- Vulkan: v1.4.304.1 support
- SDL 2.32.0
- xbyak v7.23.1
- Other minor dependency updates for Desktop and Android